
pk was in use in Chinese long before games and I believe it came from soccer’s Penalty Kicks

Best fried rice is Thai. They use fish sauce.

That’s why you’re not working in China. They get less than peanuts there while working hard with mandatory unpaid overtimes.

There is only one right answer and that’s the snake plant. It’s one of NASA’s best air cleaning plants and it’s impossible to kill.

Tmobile has free SMS and data internationally too. It’s great

Duke Nukem 3D pls

but who tosses bourbon?

i say squid/dried fish sticks

so.... just like any of those water probes you stick in the soil sold everywhere

so... you played it half a dozen times over a year and never had other people join...

eat a ice cube and enjoy the freezer tastes

the only tip we need is how to eat a Nature Valley Granola Bar

thought the salt water dip is most common... at least in Asia

don’t show up empty handed, help clean up

question is... how do they get of the water and dry off without freezing?

bathroom “fans” in Taiwan and Japan have heater, dehumidifier, AC, various light settings, exhaust, and controlled via touchscreen

because a rice cooker allows a wide margin of “error”. 1:1-1.25 is all fine.

that picture is nothing like the recipe linked or anything made from burnt rice

oh something windows phone did before android

tattoo your eyebrows, eyeliner, lipstick, etc