wrong lady, but Hey Fourvalleys....nobody's perfect!
wrong lady, but Hey Fourvalleys....nobody's perfect!
At 1:37 we can see that NASCAR marshals came very close of catching the rabbit, but it surprised them with a right turn and was able to escape.
I applaud you for your honesty and maturity not to be blindly loyal.
The funniest part about that commercial is that a little bit of research shows that actual real bear cages used by animal control are in fact made of aluminum.
It's got to be Kimi or James Hunt.
James Hunt. Because he does everything while drinking and drinks while doing everything.
Look... It’s either this or ...
Maybe it was a desperate attempt to escape?
Red Bull Trophies for sure
I can’t see this not working!
“So Kimi, what did you think of The Ferrari TheFerrari?”
I know it won’t happen, but I’d love to see Kimi wind up at Haas and then transition to NASCAR that way. Haas is pretty much a Ferrari customer team and Kimi has expressed interest in both NASCAR and American culture.
Sadly, there is very little mention ever of the engine in the car. My husband built the #(6)4 engine. If it wasn’t for that power, they’d not have gotten far, so it’s not only the drivers and engineers, it’s the fabricators and engine builders and all the other unsung heroes behind the scenes that make the car roar on…
Ok, you distract him and I’ll steal his girlfriend!
There’s been some big news today: the Top Gear triumvirate has been taken in by the world’s largest…