
multiple sets of plans for tonight fell through, so I decided, fuck it, I'm staying home and eating spicy sweet chili doritos. This year I've majorly lowered my tolerance level for bullshit, so I'm not going out and surrounding myself with people who are dicks to me. I'd much rather stay home with my cat and dog,

Honestly, yes. I'm glad she's okay, but torturing an animal to death for sport is not a good way to make a living. I feel the same way when I hear that X amount of people were trampled and gored during the running of the bulls. GO BULLS GO.

Maybe stop stabbing large angry animals to death for sport? No? Ok, have fun getting gored. I'm rooting for the Bull.

My sentiments exactly. I have zero sympathy for anyone who gets injured picking on animals. There's a reason "you mess with the bull you get the horns" is such a common saying.

Imagine Jamie Lynn at a Palin brawl. Just imagine.

Ok, so the pro-gun-carrying response is that she was clearly not a responsible gun owner. Ok, sure (although when all manner of ostensibly trained and "responsible" gun owners end up accidentally shooting people - i.e. police, soldiers, gun safety instructors - this excuse starts veering into the "no true Scotsman"

As someone who watches this show, I'll tell you straight up: it is terrible TV. Terrible.

I've having trouble coming up with something bad enough to call this woman. Part of that is because all the worst insults are misogynistic, and I try really hard not to use those, but a good bit of it is just that she's an unbelievable fucking waste of a human being that I don't think a word bad enough exists.

agreed, they're terrible. This one is a lame list about the same fashion industry blah with a weak "just be you, trends are bollocks" *message* to the ladies.

Can we please stop with these kinds of articles?

Might wanna channel all that blissful orgasmic energy into working on those empathy skills then.

"Here's a picture of Justin Timberlake getting upstaged by a gorgeous KitchenAid mixer." <—— 250% clicked that link just to look at the KitchenAid mixer.

I think my son has a crush on Ariana Grande. When I opened my laptop yesterday, one of her videos was up- something called Love Me Harder, which in involved her writhing around in a shallow pool.

This is so stupid. Nobody "deserves respect" simply for joining the military. Millions of people join the military because they have no other options. The military is just as full of horrible douchebags, evil psychopaths, and rotten humans as the grocery store down the street, and nobody deserves my respect simply for

If the power of FOIA kept police from making mistakes in cases, we'd all live in a much safer world. Also, we wouldn't have this New York Times report, done using FOIA records from the cops, showing how TPD bungled the Jameis Winston investigation: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/20… Or how about this Times report,

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

I can't begin to tell you ladies and gents how awesome you are, but YOU ARE. My etsy shop is doing better than I imagined and I appreciate every Jezzie who stopped by to take a look, as well as those who ordered! www.etsy.com/shop/deadhandcrafts

Right there with ya. Depression sucks.

I wanted to reply to you with something clever that will pick you up... but I've got nuthin. It's dark out, like, always, and the air hurts my face... so I guess I'm right there with ya. Maybe misery loves company?? Let's make a pact: tomorrow we will do something small just for ourselves. Maybe it'll be a nice bath,