
Same issue with homeowner's insurance. Many carriers won't cover dog-bite injuries from specified breeds. I've been told it's possible to get a rider to cover excluded breeds, but it's expensive.

A good rescue/shelter will have assessed how aggressive any dog is toward cats AND small dogs. My vet gave me a useful piece of advice before I adopted my first (cat-tested) greyhound. She said that even if the dog was good with my cats in the house, that wasn't a guarantee it wouldn't be interested in someone else's

"General Kurtz—he dead." NO. I think it's a safe bet you haven't read Conrad (Mr. Kurtz), and I'm pretty sure you haven't seen the film (Colonel Kurtz). It's not that I find an error in a Gawker Media post surprising, but that you had two choices and still managed to screw it up.

I do it too. My dog's coat has one of those pull-up snoods, and when her coat's warmed up her ears stay especially toasty. If it's wet out I put her towel on the radiator so it's ready to dry her off when we get back from our walk. (I wish I had a towel warmer in the bathroom!)

Too gorgeous. I love a cream calico.

This is my greyhound Pooka with her nemesis, my friend's puglle-Jack Russell mix Huey.

This is my greyhound Pooka with her nemesis, my friend's puglle-Jack Russell mix Huey.

Awesome first world notion of charity. Because helping someone just like me makes me feel better about me!

I think Scrubs got the same reaction

I'm Jewish, so Chinese and a movie, just like Adam's doing. With my non-Jewish husband, who thinks it's the best tradition ever.

I visited a Reconstructionist congregation where the female rabbi wore a yamulke, so, hey new tradition in ecclesiastical garb.

One of the many beauties of greyhounds is that their dainty little shell-like ears lay flat against their heads. This makes it much easier to put funny headgear on them. Also, they have to wear coats when it gets below 40F. Dress up!

This isn't my greyhound—but I'm crocheting her a version of this.

The "luxury"? Seriously?

This is Michigan, people. We don't have carpool lanes. Or mass transit.

So, its called transference. It's normal in the therapeutic context. This phenomenon, even if not explained in traditional psychoanalytical jargon, will have been presented during the therapist's training. The client is going to develop feelings, attraction, rage, whatever toward the therapist, as the therapist will

Pooka the greyhound's vet has told me not to use hydrogen peroxide on wounds because it necrotizes the tissue at the edges of a wound. It slows down healing and if stitches are needed there's less skin to work with.