Oh, please.
Oh, please.
Here’s a fun game: ask him which female politician alive today he WOULD vote for. If he can come up with ONE, then we’ll give him some Brownie points
Sure, but he still can’t win
Oh, please. Pete Buttigieg got the same number of delegates, and has more overall delegates than Bernie. Bernie didn’t even beat his own “personal best” from 2016 and hold onto the voters he had then. If you add up the moderate votes split among Buttgieg, Klobuchar and Biden, they outweight Bernie + Warren. If the…
There is no such thing as “late enough abortion so that the baby that is being aborted was actually otherwise capable of surviving outside of the womb.” That is just not a thing.Where is the American Medical Association’s statement on this? “No medical doctor in the U.S. practices infanticide.” There. It isn’t that…
So far, I’ve given money to the anti-Collins PAC, the anti-McConnell PAC, Lindsey Graham’s opponent Jaime Harrison. If our goal two years ago was to take back the House, this year it’s to take hold the House and take back the Senate. If Trump remains President, we at least have to get rid of McConnell — he and…
Fascism is just politically organized misogyny and all of the “caretaking” values of the left.
Not to mention the weird obsession with guy-on-guy sexual acts frequently expressed in the Trump supporters’ attacks on Twitter.
This will be the first line of Mitt Romney’s obituary.
Or, you have to do the right thing and not live your life trying to “game out” the future consequences. If you do the right thing, the rest of it takes care of itself
And Trump’s chickenshit failson Donald Jr. calls for Mitt Romney to be kicked out of the GOP.
You KNOW it was taking everything Limbaugh had not to just go on and give the rest of the Nazi salute, with his arm stretched out straight.
Except for GOP fuckery -since the SC primary is an open one -i.e., Republicans can vote in the Democratic primary. So of course the SC GOP is encouraging GOP voters to vote for Bernie, in order to insure Trump won’t have to run against Biden, the only candidate Trump’s worried about. Why any of us are voting for…
Still, historic win for Buttigieg.
...or maybe they want “The Squad” not to behave like a clutch of adolescent, giggling “mean girls” in public, as they would any Congressman or woman.
Nationally. National polls don’t mean anything.
Way to lean in, Stacey Abrams!
She could have said she wasn’t booing Clinton — she was booing what Clinton said.
...or perhaps we need a good, old-fashioned General Strike...