
Wait...a 13-year-old conservative “Activist”?

No. That is not a thing. That kid doesn’t have any idea what his politics are.

He has that distinctive John Rocker dumbfuck look going for him.

A non-profit social center in Columbus had an astounding response to the signs that were up at Ohio State. (This is a mock-up. People were begging them to actually print it and put it up)

I read this as: “It is our turn to call you daddy.” Dude on the right is excited to have a father figure back in his life.

note how they see women as properties of their fathers. Not even their parents, just the fathers. 18-25ish men in 2015 consider women property of men. These are threats, not invitations. They are telling women they are not safe or welcome to be treated as equal, independent adults in college.

The bean flicking sign is more of a public service announcement. Hey ladies, we are terrible at sex and created this handy sign as a reminder.

its all depends what class do you travel in. If its something like The new Imperial Suite aboard the Golden Eagle, i am game.

I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.

Yep. Didn’t you know that every time a fat lady dares to be happy in public, a kitten dies? It’s a real tragedy that must be stopped at all costs.

OMG Thank you for referencing this - now I know why this one thin lady who I worked with after I gained weight (and came from my hometown, so knew I was thin before ) was so angry that I was not ashamed of my body. She was much angrier about my weight gain than me, which never (before) made sense.

Ive seen this on action and was so disgusted I told the person wasnt acceptable, and she actually knocked it off. So just as we see with misogyny, its not ghfucked up individuals that cgange society, its the person next to them who has to actively make it unacceptable to behave like shit towards others.

Plus, most of the supportive commenters are men, so throw in the anger of men knowing these women would all reject them ‘even though the women are all fat cow sluts’ or however they would say it.

What is it with assholes who think everything is a zero sum game. No “thinspo” people, there is no backlash against you just because we are moving closer towards all body types acceptance. Furthermore, whatever shit you get is not because you are thin, it’s because you viciously ridicule anybody who doesn’t uphold

Fuck all those warped losers....

Oh totally! and how long did i spend trying to shove my (HH) breasts into a DD cup thinking they couldn’t possibly be bigger than that! That’s the hugest!!!

Honestly, I hate hard wax. I don’t think it’s good to use on ANY area because A) Most Estheticians don’t pull it correctly resulting in a huge amount of breakage and more frequent visits for the client and B) If you get hard wax on hair that you didn’t want to remove, you’re screwed. There’s no way to remove it if you