
I totally use “dude” products. They’re usually cheaper. Plus, I ain’t got a man, but at least my T-shirts smell like I do

LOL that’s what I use. With the 5 Day Stubble setting :D

I got into the habit of grooming (just trimming) when I was probably 14 or 15, only because I wasn’t comfortable using tampons yet & I COULD NOT with full bush and pads. Now I just do it out of habit...not totally bald, because I seem destined to get ingrowns no matter what miracle cure I use.

Whoa. It's like a Chrisception.

Guardians of the Galaxy Chris, Captain America Chris, Star Trek Chris, Thor Chris!!!!

I said the same thing about Ariel Castro. Hopefully they will keep a better watch on this fucker so he won't have the luxury of suicide.

This poor sweet baby :( now she’s scarred, not just mentally, but physically too from the manifestation of hate.

As a platinum blonde child (seriously why did I have to get darker?!?!?) you would think I was divined to be Baby Spice but our group leader made me be Ginger so she could be Baby. It's cool, I rocked it regardless!

I can never forgive them for only coming as far south as Boston and Chicago. That shit is unacceptable. Atlanta deserved a stop, damnit!!!!

That’s what my parents always said to me. “If you ever do x, y, z, you better hope the police get to you first.”

I. F#%!ing. Love. You.

And that one was Paul Ryan. Leader of the jackholes.

Foer, no h :)

Aimee, ant chance to include some of Lelo’s social media responses to the backlash they have been getting? The replies are almost as embarrassing as them choosing Sheen in the first place

I actually snorted/choked on my Diet Coke. Well done!

I actually find this really amusing. I doubt it will be successful, but hey, at least they're trying?

This is my thing with the whole “I’m writing in Bernie/Jill Stein/et al!” business: you’re not doing any good. I wanted Bernie. I wanted Bernie SO BADLY. People can bring up voter suppression and the other shady shit that has happened in the primaries, but it’s not going to change shit. A write in vote is a wasted

I can only imagine the conflict going on within so many of his supporters: a buncha them ungodly gay folks were taken out, but a radicalist pledging to ISIS did it...hmmmm