Dr. Leo Wollman

This was great. John Carpenter's been interviewed so much over the years that it's nice to just get him shooting the shit about his craft, Hammer horror, and video games. Ignatiy needs to do more interviews.

So…it's kind of confirmed now that the brilliance of I Stand Alone was an accident, right? His love of formal gimmicks and shock tactics just happened to line up perfectly with the story he was telling in a way that appeared deliberate and intelligent.

The Finishing Line

I used to watch the Night on Bald Mountain sequence over and over again as a child even though it absolutely terrified me.

Want to know why that bastard's face looks so weird? The actor took out his upper dentures.

If nothing else, it deserves credit for building great atmosphere while shooting on terrible, blown-out digital video.

The first 110 minutes is great - the most fun I've had in a cinema in quite a while. Then it totally falls apart. To the extent that I lost much of the enthusiasm I had for the film as it limped to a close.

Sorry to be a pedant, but there's technically no such thing as two-strip Technicolor. Two-color Technicolor is sometimes referred to as 'two-strip' because one of the processes involved cementing two prints together to make a single projection print, but all two-color films were shot on a single strip of film using a

Oh yeah. Particularly the bit where he finds out his friends are being purged, but keeps quiet because he doesn't want to give ammunition to the American right wing.

Paul Robeson - the Blacklist years.

An enormous tragedy. The more of her films I see the more the depths of her talent are emphasised. She was a more accomplished filmmaker in her teens than most could ever hope to be.

I'm totally with Dowd on the distinction between movies like Day After Tomorrow and 2012. The former is silly and disposable, whereas the latter comes across genuinely ugly.

Of course not. It's her father's films she gets naked in.

Do it! The t-shirt song it awesome.

Parts of The Troggs Tapes sound like they could have been an inspiration for Derek and Clive.

I adore the Bottom of the Hill set from June 2005 for two moments - the audience catching John off-guard by singing along to 'Colour in your Cheeks', and John improvising a song about their merch complete with topical Pope Benedict reference.

It's a great quote. I believe in reference to The Body Beneath, which happens to be my favourite Milligan film.

Come on, couldn't you have picked a better film than A Touch of Genie to illustrate Joe Sarno? The qualities that Refn talks about are far more evident in something like Abigail Lesley is Back in Town. Even his B&W '60s films (which are more likely to have clips and trailers on YouTube) would be a better demonstration