Dr. Leo Wollman

Vinegar Syndrome are amazing. I've made an effort to buy every single thing they've ever released purely out of respect for what they're doing. The work they're putting into restoring and preserving mostly forgotten exploitation cinema is really commendable, particularly their preservations of early gay pornography.

From what little I've seen, it seems to be exactly what you'd expect. Badly acted and sloppily framed, yet strangely fascinating in a barely-watchable kind of way.

Huh. Turns out adding chiptune music makes that movie less camp.

That clip also demonstrates just how mediocre a director Columbus is. Even without the poor CGI troll the whole scene is constructed so lifelessly, there's almost no sense of continuity between any of the shots.

I agree with this in a totally un-ironic way. Wishman is one of the greats.

The lack of documentary makers is pretty galling as well. No Frederick Wiseman or Maysles brothers? No Les Blank or Errol Morris?

I figure if you're going to include Lubitsch you'd also have to bring in Lang, Murnau etc. Though Murnau should probably qualify just on the basis of having made Sunrise.

Micheaux is hugely important, but based on what I've seen of his I'd classify him as a 'good' rather than 'great' filmmaker. Personally I'm more pissed off that Charles Burnett didn't get a look-in.

That's pretty much it, yeah. Rumours are that MGM were planning their own Hannibal Lecter TV series and are pissed that Fuller got there first.

The rights to Silence are owned by MGM, which gives them both the story and any characters that originated in that book, and they're reportedly not keen to cut any kind of deal.

I assume he was referring to Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.

And for the inflated eBay price you could just buy the releases Invada put out in the UK - the complete soundtrack to Season 1 & 2 (none of this select cues bullshit) spread over 4 X 2LP sets.

I'm just pissed off nobody noticed the typo on the candy necklace sign before printing it off: "Visit Us A Booth #413"

He has seen the fifth film, he said he didn't have time to revisit it. So he's relying on memory and given just how shitty the fifth film is I can't say I blame him.

Oof…"an unsexy Ilsa movie" is a pretty brutal way to put it. The only guy who can get away with making those is Bruno Mattei, and Tom Six is no Bruno Mattei.

The real way you can tell this is fake (apart from everything about it being fucking insane) is that the top panels are integral to the story.

Your edit is a pretty good description of the two main post-DGIHM albums, Always and Angel Guts, though around the time of Angel Guts things went kind of insane.

An extremely popular and influential Japanese author. He was also a right-wing nationalist who led four members of his own private militia to take the commandant of an army camp hostage, hoping to inspire a coup d'etat that would restore the power and divinity of the Emperor, an incident that ended with his own ritual

Given how much BTS footage he would have had to watch to put this together he should at least know how to pronounce Bottin's name correctly.

For all its imperfections I'm so glad this film exists. It's incredibly sad that our film industry is too small to tell stories like this without international funding, and those stories are specific enough that international funding isn't very easy to come by.