Dr. Leo Wollman

Teti is a treasure. The year-end videos really help to momentarily take the edge off my Gameological Digest withdrawal.

Movie 43 would beg to differ.

Incorrect attributions aside, I'm pretty sure that 'Rollercloser' is both the pinnacle of all human achievement and irrefutable proof that God is dead.

I dream of one day crossing into Macon County as "Going to Georgia" blares on the stereo and I sing along at the top of my lungs.

I don't disagree with you at all, but I'm specifically referring to small studios such as those that produce Goat Simulator, and all other games of its ilk that Eluvium is referring to. They don't have any shareholders to answer to, just the hope that their latest project will provide enough revenue to keep them going.

Given the amount of work it takes to get any game to a polished enough standard to ship, it seems absurd to me to accuse any developer of being lazy. Unless you're talking about intellectual laziness, though I really don't think any kind of creative endeavour should be judged on that basis unless it strives to appear

Wait, so do you have a problem with the game, the market that exists for it, the means by which it is marketed, or all of the above?

Not everything needs an idea to be worthwhile, nor is every piece of media required to somehow advance its medium. Goat Simulator was created for an internal studio game jam, then slightly expanded and polished for 6 weeks because there was demand for a publicly released version.

The game itself you can only get second-hand, but if you already have the files there's an interpreter in development called ResidualVM that will run it on modern machines. It's basically ScummVM for the 3D Lucasarts games. It currently only works with Grim Fandango, but it'll get you through the game with only a few