
You got it. Exactly. 

EXCEPT, it is really hard, especially in suburbs, to get anyone to hire for these jobs. They turnover like mad because you get kids thinking, “I’ll do this for extra cash.” and they do it for two weeks and then go, “Fuck this, I’ll beg the parents for more money instead.” and disappear. And there’s no adults or old


Your first mistake was letting him derail the topic to what he wanted to bloviate about.

Oh, that’s EXACTLY what the Dems want him to do.

Treating a black child like a full grown adult is White Cop 101.

Whatever happened to tranquilizer darts?

This family is becoming #Goals in every way.

Yeah, that’s a good one but in today’s world, would instantly get spun as Buttigieg saying a black President will never be respected or get the job done.

Chuck Todd used a ham-fisted question to try and get a candidate with issues with black voters, to make a statement about Obama-Biden, that would go viral instantly and stay alive in the Press for at least a couple of weeks.


In “Why Am I Doing Your Damn Job For You?” updating:

Well, actually...

This is so unhelpful to the environment, y’all.

It’s ALWAYS been toxic. The very premise is toxic.

Animal rights activists are the most overbearing of all groups.

Same thing in regards to your points, you just don’t want to see it.

Your dumbass couldn’t resist.

I KNEW you’d be here, lol!  You trolls never disappoint.