
I never ever thought I’d have reason to use this gif but this blatant transparent DESPERATE attempt to go viral and appeal to the “youts” just screams for it.

In Soderbergh movies, isn’t that, like, a RULE?

Hell, that person’s sperm or eggs are worth as much as whatever they offer in compensation and benefits!


But she dies. THAT’S the fun part.

I’ve seen the movie a couple of times.


It’s not about white supremacist proclivities.

She’s funny and exactly like the book EXCEPT for the accent.

No sillier than something like “The Firm”.

You can write about anything you like.

They’re on the run from a cartel. So being traced via airline tickets is kinda off the table.

The outrage is because these are jobs for at least 4 staff. Not one highly overworked person who is not related to these people.

I can’t tell if they’re cheap, deluded, or just unwilling to have more than one servant at a time, so they don’t look or feel bad.

I’m dying to know the compensation and benefits package.

If your entire agenda is to be outwardly defiantly racist, then ignoring irony, history, context, manners, and decency, is how you square the circle of your bullshit.

This is a result of too many Youtube videos and mainstream news reports about “cool” teachers, who do demos to get their students interested in the subject.

In February 2019 a Snapchat video surfaced that depicted a group of Wyoming East High School students chanting, “hang Jace, hang Jace.”

Fuck this noise.

If you don’t have things that are important to you backed up on an external drive somewhere, you didn’t really give a shit about those things.