
Paul Macartney did one thing right: He didn’t jump on the “Jungle” bandwagon or try to keep up with the Shoegazers like Bowie and Clapton, respectively, did.

I knew I liked you for a reason.

Juice WRLD died of an accidental overdose of oxycodone and codeine. [

We’re worried because those retrograde repressive reactionary motherfuckers are not just watching suck-y movies but voting and putting their fucked up views into laws and burdening our community with that fucked up thinking.

Tyler Perry Is America’s Greatest Entertainer...Who doesn’t want to help other black creatives or non-onscreen talent to get a leg up in the business.

There’s a black plastic bag and a nearby river with her name on it.

I’m fine with her being the villain. She had it coming.

I wrote the same thing before seeing your comment.

If your consensual rough play leads to someone dying or even almost dying, you need to stop or to be stopped.

Now playing

The thing that gets lost is that the man is a true master of Haute Couture in all aspects. And his training was impeccable and set him up to fully realize his genius.

Except Ilana in “Broad City” didn’t have a fucking “blaccent”.

If I as a black person, went around doing a sing-song-y Asian accent and peppering my speech with “Ai ya!” and calling everyone “Lah”, I would rightfully be side-eyed and ratioed on social media.

There’s a few commenters who’s entire reason for being here is to yell at people, cuss, and spew the same angry comments over and over and over.

Because they do. *shrug*

You know how Chris Rock made that movie about black women and hair and it’s effects on them pschologically and economically?

She’s probably been using it for decades and her skin is used to it and likes it.

And while I have no intention of voting for him as candidate, if he wins, I will happily vote for him in the primary.

Maybe learn to laugh at yourself a bit.

So what I’m hearing you say is that the legacy of slavery and white abuse of black bodies and minds is ongoing?  Yeah, I see that.

J. Lo? That’s just the tip of the snowy white iceberg.