
If being nominated for a Grammy and having worldwide success doesn't make you feel appreciated I think nothing will. 

True.  He could have gone all Reese Witherspoon about this, but instead he sounds more like someone who is fishing for a senior citizen discount.

It’s somewhat refreshing that he asked for, rather than demanded, special treatment, and (apparently) didn’t make a fuss when the answer was “no.”

Or Lady Gaga? Lady Gaga is about to chart and she’s had a number of personas.

But like.... literally when did anyone even have a go at her for being feminine and dainty? And she’s said several times shes not a feminist so like.... what does feminism even have to do with anything?

The fuck is she on about, basically.

lol ok Lana.

I don’t get it. There’s no penalty for her doing her thing if she just ignores the back chat. She’s been on the internet since she was a child and doesn’t understand that? She needs the world and to be coddled too? That’s not how this works. 

I’m mostly stunned that in her follow up to the original drama, she went and named ANOTHER WOMAN OF COLOR. 

Maybe she did it for a video, but honestly I don't remember, I had to Google and some images appeared.

Sometimes there are not two sides in a “debate” because one of them is just wrong.  She is telling women to shut up about white privilege - black women.  That’s not a debate.  That is being bigoted whether she likes it or not.  She could have acknowledged her intent wasn’t the impact, copped to the fact her language

Yeah, her pole dancing comment was especially rich. When rich white women with winged eyeliner pole dance it’s “burlesque” or “fit-tease” or whatever. 

“As of 2020, Del Rey has sold 19.1 million albums and over 13 million singles worldwide, while her YouTube and Vevo pages have combined lifetime views of 4.1 billion.”

This is one of those things where “debate" is actually code for unconditional approval. It’s a notoriously popular tactic for assholes who want to tweet all day without repercussions.

She’s saying that all the women she mentioned are rough and tough and not delicate like her. It’s super coded racial language about white women being soft and black women being tough. I’m pretty sure Ariana was only included so as to not be so obviously racist. It’s the kind of criticism that can only come from not

I don't much care what she meant. This is the dingbat who once declared that she believed in female empowerment but definitely wasn't a feminist. It's just adorable that she knows what feminism needs now. 

I think she means we need to be more gentle because white women’s fee fees are oh so very delicate.

And you wear other peoples’ identities as a costume to give yourself the air of cred and grit...fuck this woman. what's crystal clear after all of this is that Lana is obsessed with one thing: Herself.

If we can’t genuinely self-reflect after making a statement fraught with racism, intentional or not, we’re not going to have much of a society. OH guess what, that’s happening right now.

No one is suggesting you aren’t suffering. All women suffer for our gender, but in drastically different ways.

Apparently, Harry hates the term “Megxit” because it implies Meghan was the one who wanted to leave the U.K., though it is a convenient pun. Perhaps “Susxit”