
Go on where? In the Senate doing nothing as usual? He sure will! 

Lol okay. Lord 50 Stents should be worried about making his concession speech. It’s over. If he could destroy him, he probably should have done that before now.

“And now that he has a studio set up in his home, there’s no excuse for Biden to hide from the American people nor his role as assumed Democratic nominee for president.”

And I maintain that emoji bombing Warren—for example—was a big mistake. Not just because it was petulant and embarrassing, but also because the mainstream media seems to relish any opportunity to discredit the Sanders campaign, and some of his most vocal supporters on Twitter gave in to the bait far too easily.”

Giselle most definitely does not look 24. Also, shouldn’t your new non-union coworkers at the newly relaunched Deadspin be covering this? 

Uh, so is Brady going to ignore those houses that are a mess in NOLA? I guess he no longer cares about making it right. 

Yes. Definitely sexism and pure hatred that formulated after years of her being smeared by the right wingers.

It’s amazing how his stubbornness is cheered on by his supporters. He has no path to victory and really only has a small group of people supporting him but he continues just to stick it to the establishment that rejected him. And that’s rejected him twice now. The voting bloc he was counting on was never going to

Acknowledging black people. I’m pretty sure he recognizes that they exist.

IIRC, her stylist is BFF Jessica Mulroney, who has terrible taste herself. Maybe Meghan fired her and got a real stylist? 

You keep misusing the word pandering and repeating it a million times as if it makes it true. Simply acknowledging a major voting block isn’t pandering, yet he refuses to do even that. No one is asking him to wear a Dashiki or Kente cloth. You keep saying “well his policies are out there for anyone who cares to read

You think saying the word “AA” is pandering? Are you kidding? Bernie can’t even do that. He has no real surrogates doing outreach and didn’t even bother to ask Jim Clyburn for his endorsement. He’s running for public office. When asked about things like environmental racism and it’s effects on the AA community and

Nah. At the bare minimum, you’ve got to do outreach. Bernie when asked about AA voters, disassembles and says “POC.” We’re not a monolith. If he can’t even be bothered to use the word AA and acknowledge us, I don’t see why anyone should bother with him. 

Oh shut the fuck up. You condescending Bernie Bros are the worst. You might want to tell your lord and savior that if he wants people’s vote, other than his cult members, he might want to work for it. He didn’t even bother asking Jim Clyburn for his support. Yet I’m somehow supposed to believe he’s going to fight to

Not according to Bernie Bros. They’re going to lead the revolution, the rest of us be damned. 

That was my point. 

You forgot to blame us stupid black voters. Somehow this is all of our fault for not knowing what’s good for us and not joining the revolution. 

Sad I won’t get to vote for her. She was the smartest and most prepared candidate but we don’t care about stuff like that when picking a president anymore. Sigh. I think people just assumed a woman couldn’t win so she was disregarded in favor of the white guys. All the progressive fan boys and Bernie bros loved her

My mother was for Bloomberg because she thought “it would take a billionaire to beat a billionaire.” My father doesn’t mind Trump because he hates Mexicans and thinks the Chinese are getting over on us. I am a Warren supporter, which now seems like a lost cause but oh well. Anyway, I know a lot of the men in my family

Just as Kesha. These contracts are usually upheld unfortunately. It’s why Taylor Swift who is far more marketable, famous and way richer than Meg hasn’t sued over her masters. She has probably been advised by some of the best lawyers in the country that she doesn’t have a case. I hate to see young artists, especially