
But instead of waiting for authorities, Butler’s friends and family immediately launched their own investigation, tracking down Wheeler-Weaver based on his messages to Butler on an app called Tagged:

You dismissed all my comments. So you’re the one who got cute. 

Bobby was physical and emotionally abusive. I’m not sure why he keeps getting let off the hook for this. He’s not responsible for her drug use but he’s definitely responsible for their toxic relationship. 

You’re being intentionally obtuse and talking in circles. I should have known better than to engage with a troll but here I am. 

Cool story bro. Also, I don’t have hang ups about a stranger’s sexuality. Especially when he already addressed it. To respond with “nuh, uh, I know you’re gay because rumors!” is beyond childish and stupid. Also, your comment wasn’t about consenting adults having consensual sex. It was about someone hiding their

You know full well I didn’t mean there was anything wrong with being gay. It’s calling someone gay who says they aren’t, like you want to make it seem like they’re a liar with a dirty secret that’s the problem. That whole comment about picking up men was homophobic too. Also, this is comments sections. You can post

You sound like a scum bag and a loser. 

Eh, he says he’s not gay. Maybe he is and maybe he isn’t. He could be bi too. It’s no one’s business. 

I can’t believe Whitney’s family tried to hire goons to break Robyn’s legs. Wtf? Also, poor Whitney. In almost every documentary and special I’ve seen, they all mention Robyn’s leaving as the turning point in her life. From then on, it was all downhill. She had always been surrounded by sycophants and leeches. Robyn

Don is so inept at everything, that he needs Kimberly Ghoulfoyle to hold his hand and baby him through his own book tour. Also, is he on medication? He seems so out of it and emotionally detached. He can barely articulate his thoughts other than saying the same canned responses and using the same Libtard put downs he

To me, she was the weakest link in Crazy Rich Asians. Everyone else carried her in that movie. Gemma Chan is amazing and I see her getting farther than Constance. 

Clooney, Will Smith, Robin Williams, etc. are the outliers. Talk to me in 5 years and we’ll see if she is at that level. Also, that was decades ago when it was a lot easier to be a lead actor without a Marvel role. 

Now we’ll see it Constance Wu is the next Shelly Long or David Caruso. Being a regular on a television series is hardly the pits or the bottom of the barrel anymore. It’s super hard to have a successful movie career these days unless you’re wearing a cape or a pair of tights. She may regret those tweets sooner than

I’m not even sure why they bothered having them on. Also, it’s amazing how quiet Meghan was during the interview. This guy’s father has been shitting all over the memory of The Great John McCain yet she let him off easy. Republicans will always put politics before country. 

Eh, the View has always had a token Conservative though. Elizabeth Hasselbeck was the resident screeching voice of the Right for years. Since then, they’ve had a steady rotation of them. CNN disappoints me the most because they’ve gone all in on token nutjob conservatives who add nothing to the discourse. 

Calling Aaron Rodgers Mr. Olivia Munn is offensive on so many levels. No one even knows what she’s doing now besides picking stupid fights with bloggers. He’s on his way to an MVP consideration. Also, how could you not post pics of Gardner in jorts?

Talk about major boundaries and control issues. I assume his this diligent in making sure his sons stay pure too right? Also, a broken hymen or lack of one doesn’t prove anything. The nerve of this asshole who has 7 kids with 4 different women reinforcing purity tests on his daughter. His songs are filled with

I drink billionaire tears. Lol Also, I like how Bill is trying to pretend like he’s some persecuted victim. Won’t someone think of the poor, misunderstood billionaires. Especially ones who were known to hang around Epstein.

I love that the Trumps keep trying to interact with the public, only to get soundly rejected. Even the rage bros and incels who are UFC fans hate Trump:

I watched a few documentaries about Whitney and god, being famous is hell. She, like a ton of other famous people, was surrounded by leeches and sycophants. All of those hangers on were using her and she seemed desperate for a real connection and protection. It seemed like Robyn provided that for her and by all