
If you’re going to speak out on behalf of art as an artist, then objectivity needs to come into play. Otherwise you come off as a condescending prick. If anyone comes off butthurt, it’s you and these whining old white dinosaurs moaning about the lost idyllic years of your youth. Let’s Make America great again right?  F

You guess? That’s exactly what he could have done. 

“Maybe he feels it’s not his place to tell stories about minorities he isn’t a part of.”

You sound as condescending and pretentious as they do. Also, no one can define what art means to other people. Anyone that completely dismisses a genre and doesn’t even try to be subjective, isn’t someone worth listening to even if they are a legend. 

I absolutely love Age of Innocence. And you’re right, he should have a better answer on why he doesn’t cast anyone but white guys as leads. If Clint Eastwood’s old crotchety, Republican ass can do it, these guys have no excuses.

You forgot to mention how he stays away from casting minorities too. These old guys have such a narrow perspective on what makes a good movie and which stories are moving, enlightening and interesting. They obviously can’t be bothered to cast non-white actors or explore stories that includes female and minority leads.

“I mean that’s like saying Bugs Bunny ain’t funny. Films are films. Everybody doesn’t like his stuff either. Everybody’s got an opinion, so I mean it’s okay. Ain’t going to stop nobody from making movies.”

Nicki married a career criminal. Her dismissing it as him being in a relationship with his victim is despicable. He held her a knife point and raped her. That’s just one of the many crimes he’s committed over the years. I’m sure this will end well.

It’s one thing to say, as a consumer, I like the occasional brain dead action movie, but it’s another to realize where the movie making industry is in this moment in history and how hard it is to get anything good made.

“Yeah. Cast as characters who kill or beat the shit out of other people to solve all their problems.”

But due to the dominance of CBMs, these movies are small and distributed by independent studios so viewers who would watch them, like you, aren’t even aware of their existence.

Good question. The usual response is that they promote tourism but the economic effects of their existence is tenuous and hard to quantify.

Rain Man had a major star in Tom Cruise and a respected actor in Dustin Hoffman. Those types of films still get made and still make money. See Leo DiCaprio’s entire career. Matthew McConaughey, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Matt Damon and Christian Bale also routinely make those kinds of Oscar bait, adults

True it took MCU a while before they got a non-white lead or a female lead. But at least they had strong black and female supporting characters. The last time I think Scorsese had a black person in his film was Samuel L. Jackson in Goodfellas. And he had only two lines before getting shot in the head. 

Where half of them are dedicated to kids movies? It’s becoming a problem and that’s what Scorsese and Coppola are lamenting.

“She was never that good of an actress”

I know what she says but I’m incredulous that a Hollywood actress was naive about how things work. Also, to me it sounds like she expected a fairytale. 

That Diana narrative isn’t really true. Also, Meghan was in her mid-30s when she married into that family. She wasn’t some naive teenage girl who married a decades older man who wanted to use her to breed an heir. She was much more media savvy than Diana. Even she said people told her the British press would make her

I’m getting tired of the entire royal family. When QEII dies, they should just do away with it. None of the younger generations seem interested in doing their duties and they serve no real purpose in this day and age. They all seem a little whiny and entitled too. If I wanted to know about family melodrama, I would

That’s the thing that gets me. Marvel makes movies that are for the most part objectively good by filmmaking standards. I could see him railing against movies like Batman and Robin, which was horrible. However, most Marvel movies are critically acclaimed. The DC movies get trashed but the Marvel movies do pretty well