
10 times more . The Fuck?!

I couldn’t enjoy it because of flux core welding. At least use CO2 man!

We all feel the same about Yost too.

Well she did say...

Slapping his fist into his glove, yelling Letttssss Gooooo!, spitting for no good reason. God I hated little league.

Chin anus

I remember fondly the Goose getting cooked during the ALCS by another shitheel George Brett. Fuck my childhood memories.

That was one of the oldsters in the 90's right? I will say Dave Marcus or greatest name evah Dick Trickle.

A. Not shocked.

Rex used to huff pantyhose ,so no biggie.


I was gonna attempt to be funny and then thought Eff him. F1 has been more enjoyable without watching him flounder and bitch.

I don’t know if they are forbidden I thought I heard one time that it is a weight saving measure. Also didn’t the last Champcar have an onboard starter?

You can forget about Netflix now.

So just footage of him or Mercedes in general? I am okay if we don’t see him on screen, whatevs. Or should I be upset about this?

I got the idea off Pintrest

He catches the car.

They know when they step on the gas and wonder why am I not moving?

“Pay attention! Quit standing around scratching yer balls!!!” - any PE/ Coach/Social Studies Teacher

Must be great being a Marlins fan.