
and they are six? no nine wide into the first turn!

What’s our record, Larry?

Steiner believes that F1 should represent the pinnacle of technology, so creating uniform chassis or engines for each team would basically kill off the sport.

Maybe the British Virgin Islands Marlins can play a few home games this year to pick up the hometown fans.

Forgot the best part, you only have to go to 4 bears games.

Kitty Sanchez!

I guess it all depends how many bad actors are going to be gone. I really don’t see many interested in this job for the reason you mentioned.

Aw that ghost dead.

I too used to watch alot of live satellite feed on the BUD in my yard. Great stuff, especially the Indycar broadcasts with Unca Bobby Unser and Sam Posey. Piglet Paul Page pissed off at someone in the truck because they were supposed to make the talent look good. I assume he was talking about himself?

or gets him to spend it on pornography.

How about all scoring reviews must be real time speed with no slow motion video used?

Wasn’t he a pitcher for the Durham Bulls?


He knows you a crazy fool!

or Black like Frank White?

He looks like a small angry erect penis.

How is that? Did someone shove him into the toilet?

Oso con queso!

I think Tawmy Bagga Haymers is an apt description as well.