My experience is that many Hungarians have a much better command of English then many native English speakers......
My experience is that many Hungarians have a much better command of English then many native English speakers......
bread is still really cheap in H btw......
my friend told me that.....
Thanks, a little insight for the callers of the old times .....
Sorry, but what are we speaking about? "In the meantime the EU including the Finns are using the Eastern block as a dumping ground of their inferior products." Finnlandia Vodka? Milka Chocolate? Coka Cola? Mars? Snickers? Wrangler Jeans? Levis? Heinz Ketchup? Those are the inferior products right?
ok, now lets play with open cards. You make statements here about how this lady does not want to rent her property.
well, the Tina case is BS. Cousin, born 71, in Aschaffenburg, has Tina in her birth certificate and id if that case would be true, Max and many other names would be unacceptable....
There was no fun included. Check the facts. Aside of Pumuckl and Atomfried some ppl were beaten with horrible names in the 70ies and 80ies. My intention was to show parallels. If you follow the thread, there are people who picked up on the German names, came up with own examples from their cultures. You being judge…
I have the distinct feeling you try with all power to NOT understand.
Most ppl do....some obviously don't
thrust me, since he was mentally challenged at the time, he will not face charges but German law being absolutely awesome with these things he will be forbidden to own any animals for an extended time.....
well, a lot of old German name are similar. Gottfried (Gods peace) Gotthold (God means him well) Fuerchtegott (fear the Lord) Gottmar and so the 80ies things like Atomfried (Atomic peace) were not that uncommon.....
I am 6'2 235 lbs and even if i would fit in there, I am pretty sure I would never ever get out of it without serious damage to both .....
and I sadly sung: ......and the land of the free.....
Hitler was a white man past 40 when he pulled most of his
I read somewhere that sometimes it is better to shut up......
I feel as an agnostic, that bringing that topic up in this form is pretty much the same racist BS then he pulls, just the other way around, wtf has religion to do with all this?
and most guy leather daddy in the 70ies.....see YMCA
shit ust taste FANTASTIC billions of flies can't be wrong
wet kitchen cloth then in not fully sealed plastic bag....even pealed white asparagus keep fresh this way