
I am terribly disappointed that the fire hydrant is not spewing water 80 feet in the air and dozens of children have not come to frolic in it. Another Hollywood myth shattered.

Hmmm, for someone who’s done with speed records they sure are worried about this one way near production speed record.

I think you meant sidewalks.

Are you surprised Jalopnik is actually reporting on a hugely anticipated new car reveal?

The seat looks like someone who removed their head.


I have no idea about your history or experience, but based on your question and general demeanour I’d spend a few bucks on racing school first.

Asking for advice on an auto enthusiast site with an active comment section is hardly the worst decision someone with money to blow could make.

Subaru’s internal report said it wanted to “break out of the bottom” and improve to 101 problems in 2019, then move up to “middle ranking,” with 90 problems in 2020. But in the 2019 results, released last week, it finished seventh from the bottom, with 113 problems.

To anyone who ever believed Elon Musk’s bullshit: you’ve been had.

I think the goal of trying to make tunnels cheaper is still valid. I don’t think anyone can disagree that there just isn’t room for more roads and more intersections in many places. From a practical standpoint, tunnels still make sense. Figuring out what goes in the tunnel, whether it be cars, trains, etc. doesn’t


Stop judging men based on their height, and I’ll stop judging women based on everything else.

When I started dating my now ex-wife, about four or five dates in, I once referred to her 1997 Saturn SC with faded paint, cracked panels and dry-rotted interior as a “Shitty Road Toilet”. She took offense, but I quickly apologized and moved on.

Type of car? Meh, whatever..

I believe I created a prototype of the solution when I was 12. You see, you get a long piece of track at the end of the tunnel, include a couple loops to slow the cars down a little, and then launch them off a sweet jump that sends them safely into your mom’s couch.

That and hiring a person who’s sole job is to follow Musk around and slap the phone out of his hand every time he pulls up Twitter.

Alternatively, you could have waited until just this past August to go out and find a ‘ 16 GT loaded to the gills with 14k miles. You might have even gotten lucky and found one that already had an Corsa exhaust system installed.

People used to think the 964 was ugly too. The cultural zeitgeist always shifts with distance and time.  The 996 has been and will come into its own eventually. 

I disagree with you.

I would have agreed with you when I was younger, but now that I’ve become a car collector, I understand the value in it.

You see cars are meant to be driven... and most car collectors also have cars they DRIVE. But once you have your cars to drive and enjoy, there’s something about taking snapshots