
I can’t believe you spent this much ink on attempting to parse some random comment by POTUS, when it’s clear that he never has any clue what he’s talking about.


“As business advice goes, #GetYourFootInTheDoorAndSortItOutLater is almost exactly the same nonsensical logic that made the Fyre Fest disaster resonate as a punchline.”

I can imagine worse fates. She deserves it.

She served time for actually doing something that is legally considered treason.

She served time for actually doing something that is legally considered treason.

They aren’t striking.

So people should be required to watch tv shows that don’t interest them?

They’re literally the worst.

The NBA is not your safe space, snowflake.

People liked British Knights the first time around, too!


Because we run shit.

I’m sure he wouldn’t cast himself, either.

If you’re looking to cast the role of a svelte, young, beauty, then “too fat”, “too ugly”, and “too old” are perfectly acceptable criticisms in that line of work.

I literally thought it had something to do with boots until I read your post.

Sugar and water are two things everybody needs to survive.

What’s concluded, exactly? They still control the oval office and both houses of congress.

That’s cute, Ellie, but Jezebel is not “establishment media”.

Even a broken clock doesn’t lie it’s ass off twice a day.