Thanks for playing, moron, but you’re not making any sense.
Thanks for playing, moron, but you’re not making any sense.
What’s a 20%? Do you realize how stupid you sound or it just warbles to you too?
I love it when you idiots come out to play. What else do you have?
Thanks. We’re all better off for your insights and clear vision.
That’s reductive reasoning.
Wrong, Trump is too old. Warren will be too old. That is my point, pretty clearly articulated.
Go fuck yourself.
And I’d take someone with more stamina and less likelihood of early onset dementia.
Because someone else was too old to be President as well is not a good argument.
You are wrong. The country is not as progressive as you think it is.
But the other one is too old too isn’t a good argument.
I can see that. The world needs more do-gooders like you.
But other people were too old too isn’t a strong arguement.
All kidding aside, this is the best meet-cute story ever.
You’re a real peach. I envy the people who get to deal with you in real life.
I care about most people, just not you.
Agree to disagree. 2020 is a long ways away and we will have plenty of battles to fight between now and then. Who knows what the political landscape will look like at that point.
Sorry, but I’m not buying.