
Me too. Along with James Brown. I know it’s always something in the formative years that shapes them into the men they became - driven, talented - but I never understand how anyone who can be so talented, creative and imaginative and paid to do what they love can get to a point of abuse of others (women included:

An angry coked-up (at the time of his marriage to her) super-talented asshole. The great Bettye Carter (Cosby show reference: tried to teach Vanessa and friends how to be a singing group. C’mon baby, do the locomotion) hated him to the day she died because she was Cicely’s main Ace-Boon and she actually was there to

IDK, he was beating Cecily Tyson when they were married. Maybe he was just an angry asshole.

I’ve been blocked by the local DOT. In fairness, I did say they “got to X highway and just said fuck it”. So maybe I did deserve it.

No, they are rooted in medical studies. Speaking truth is NOT homophobic. Please locate the primary one from 2012. I am also a physician and have treated many of these women....

You forgot to say you have plenty of bi and gay friends.

But if he’s openly bisexual, he’s not on the DL and isn’t necessarily sleeping with anyone else...

Why you acting like “the multiple other women” is just drama but not also a way to get HIV or AIDS? What you said is high ignorance.

Oh honey


As a straight Black male, I’ve been calling bullshit on the HIV notion for gay men since as long as I can remember. Because you can tell what’s going to be a scapegoat if you pay attention long enough. That’s why I just never understood over time after the myth was challenged, why people STILL USE THAT logic to mask

It took my wife months for her to accept that I was bi and perhaps a few years for it to finally stop bothering her completely. There is a massive stigma about bi men and it’s all about that air of machismo being destroyed because gods forbid you enjoy things in your butt.

You should read these comments. Or the many messages that are piling up in my inbox from women who are telling me they have literally left the church because of how pastors who say what Gray said have made them feel. You call it a blessing, I call it vile.

I hate the type of black men where I always have to check myself before I nod in agreement with anything they say, just to make sure I don’t accidentally agree to the other dumb shit they said before hand.

Yeah, I’ve been wondering how men can claim to be the smartest, most intelligent, and rational beings on the planet, while simultaneously claiming to be the most clueless. This cluelessness only seems to magically appear when assessing their shirty behavior, though.

I feel like this is an issue thats greatly exaserbated by the patriarchal bullshit of Christianity. Obviously men of all faiths are generally worthless but I feel like Christianity adds an extra layer of knuckle dragging to the equasion. Theres no other institution that goes to such great lengths to disguise sexist

Ha! That’s funny. I’d be salty too like, if I had that internship, I would have had the job where she met Barack, been in the White House with *my*family, etc

She’s mad because Michelle Obama stole her internship in law school. I thought it was funny, especially as a running gag. And because I went to law school and can absolutely believe that everybody who participates in that exercise is that petty.

Can this be the last movie where Matty Matt McGorry is the woke white guy? I get enough of his wokeness on the Twitter.

Moms did mention that she hates Michelle because of something she got over her in college. I think what threw everyone off is we all know that Sheryl Lee Ralph is almost 10 years older than Michelle so how was she in college with Michelle? Then again, we are supposed to believe that Megalyn and Naturi are in their