
I would have went the “Trump is a godless sexist racist, and I find him and therefore his supporters to be against my religion. Therefore I am using my constitutionally upheld right to refuse service to people I don’t like under the guise of a strict adherence to a nearly 2 millennia old book” defense.

Agreed. “Crying like a spoilt child” would have been perfectly fine, especially where Cheetolini is involved.

He’s a Republican. They don’t pass laws so much as they make a big scene and scream about how everyone is mistreating them, even when they’re in charge. 

When I got out to a mall or other public place with lots of people I like to wear my “Make America Think Again” t-shirt. My wife worries about possible confrontations, but I have only ever gotten compliments about it.

This is a grave insult to little girls and you should apologize to them for this slanderous calumny. 

Good point.  And if he’d shot them, he could’ve had NRA lawyers defending him.

Agree with your post, but let’s not use little girls crying as some comparison that no one wants, because that’s right there with “run like a girl” or “throw like a girl” and we are not jumping on that sexist train. Thank you.

And this dipstick is a Capitol Hill intern, where they actually pass laws, yet he’s too stupid to know the difference between law and company policy.  MAGA baby.  

You had me until you said cried like little girls. Did you have to do that? 

One thing I love about living in LA is I’ve seriously never seen one single person wearing a red MAGA hat. Not even hipsters trying to be ironic.

Yeah, that was my thought, too. One of the only upsides to the gig economy. Being able to leave fascist shitheads to walk ‘cuz you are just a contractor.

Like if he had robes and a Klan dunce cap on, would he have a case that you were discriminating against him for being a Republican?  

Six of one...

On the face of it, seems like the uber driver is, legally, in the wrong according to DC law.

What about potentially dangerous/problematic people? Can you refuse to drive people you think may be potentially violent?

Nope — That’s “belonging to or supporting a political party”; It says nothing of supporting a specific piece of shit politician. After all, they serve Republicans every minute of every day, happily. But someone wearing inflammatory merchandise from a racist liar suspected of betraying America?

The driver should have said he feared for his safety. It works for bigots who call the cops on black people for no reason.

“...not only did he break Uber’s laws,”

I mean that’s the flip side of treating these guys as independent contractors...might be shit out of luck maga fucks, free market at work.

I’d rather have an asshole boss than an incompetent one.