
Here is the thing that kills me about it, the major telecoms used to provide for Lifeline until they bailed out of the program because it was not profitable enough for them to serve such a small population. The resellers stepped in to fill the void and now provide up to 70% of those who use Lifeline.

Considering that there are things today that cannot be accomplished without internet access - that’s now true.

This administration is just determined to do as many bad things to people as it possibly can and have Trump assure you that they’re doing a great job.

I’m a firm believer that internet is basically a public utility (like water) and should be treated as such.

Ajit Pai is a smug little prick who can eat a bag of dicks and choke to death. He hates anything that isn’t “free market” and has no regard for fairness or the needs of anyone who isn’t a well educated corporate shill. I want to smash his stupid giant coffee mug in his face.

He belongs in a household that is affected by his policy...and he doesn’t get to use any lifeline (calling in favors from friends, use his credit score, or use any financial resources available to him)

I mean sure, he has to stay somwhere before he’s forced to fight ravenous beasts in a colosseum with nothing but a dull spoon to defend himself

I can’t wait until this nightmare scenario is over and we get a complete accounting of all the ways this particular shitbird tried to screw over the American people; I have a feeling we’re only getting a partial accounting of his corruption.

If Trump had any integrity, Pruitt would have been fired long ago. But our President has no integrity whatsoever.

Swamp Thing is an elemental superhero actively protecting the environment.

This is the kind of thing that eventually lead to guillotines.

Not alliterative, but can we reuse Trump’s word: Crooked Pruitt. 

The economy. EPA now stands for Economic Protection Agency. 

I just want a scientifically literate individual who has morals, in the white house. I say we get Bill Nye to run for office.

Prerequisites for this administration:

Why wouldn’t Pruitt be sloppy about his corruption? There’s no incentive to cover his tracks when our government is controlled by cowards and fellow thieves.

I’d rather have an asshole boss than an incompetent one.

Update your Linked In profile.
