
Assuming netcode is good, I’ll let people invade. You’re a demon, I’m the doomslayer. It’s not even a competition.


He is survived by his fraternal twin brother, Mario, and his son, Waluigi.

This story is so, so sad to me.

For the uninitiated,swatting is a harassment tactic low level form of attempted murder by cop. 

I’ve worked at USPS, DMV, TSA, and Home Depot. There is nothing wrong with bureaucracy. Those are good jobs that pay well that people need. They are often union jobs too.

I’m the complete opposite, and have probably have lived twice as long as you without giving away my age :) Any who, I was born and raised in NYC, and having a great experience and many a stories, I eventually moved away. I live in SATX now, and a home owner. I can tell you this, God willing I’ll never go back to

Has Markle been secretly British this whole time? What American calls a zucchini a courgette? Has she been auditioning to marry into British royalty her WHOLE LIFE perhaps???

Here’s the full quote:

Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.

you need a financial planner. The caveat is that if they manage your money, you have to be careful of the fees, those will cut in your retirement as much as inflation will. I was lucky to have a friend who does it for 1% compared to the 3% charged usually.

Yeah, he’s in the same category for me as Bill Murray - the “Celebs That People Love But Are Actual Dickweeds In Real Life And I Can’t Understand Why Folks Like Them” category. Or, to make things easier, CTPLBAADIRLAICUWFLT.

Real talk, Neil is a fucking asshole. I know folks who went to elementary school with him and they said even then before Doogie Howser he was a fucking spoiled brat. Nice to know he’s consistent.

Oh my god. Her response really is absolutely perfect.

My detailed analysis is as follows: a bunch of fucking assholes bought the Newsweek brand, and put their fucking asshole editorial slant on it.

Yeah I don’t really get it either. “We made a robot who can only say curse words, and all it does is curse!”

...so it’s literally just reposting headers from r/watchpeopledie? Has the reddit equivalent of A7Xfansreposts finally come to life?

Thanks! We’ll aim for Gold by the weekend. :D

I would be shocked if he’s not IN the game, given the story of AC Origins, I just don’t think you’ll play as him.

Disappointed at the lack of Bayek - he’s the best protagonist the series has had in a while.