Yeah, he’s in the same category for me as Bill Murray - the “Celebs That People Love But Are Actual Dickweeds In Real Life And I Can’t Understand Why Folks Like Them” category. Or, to make things easier, CTPLBAADIRLAICUWFLT.
Yeah, he’s in the same category for me as Bill Murray - the “Celebs That People Love But Are Actual Dickweeds In Real Life And I Can’t Understand Why Folks Like Them” category. Or, to make things easier, CTPLBAADIRLAICUWFLT.
Real talk, Neil is a fucking asshole. I know folks who went to elementary school with him and they said even then before Doogie Howser he was a fucking spoiled brat. Nice to know he’s consistent.
Oh my god. Her response really is absolutely perfect.
My detailed analysis is as follows: a bunch of fucking assholes bought the Newsweek brand, and put their fucking asshole editorial slant on it.
Yeah I don’t really get it either. “We made a robot who can only say curse words, and all it does is curse!” it’s literally just reposting headers from r/watchpeopledie? Has the reddit equivalent of A7Xfansreposts finally come to life?
Thanks! We’ll aim for Gold by the weekend. :D
Chinese dont give a shit about Marathon .Its probably some online shooter in battle royale style .
What are the chances that this is related to the rumors of a Marathon revival? I seem to recall the contract with Activision allowed a small team to work on a title called “|\/|arathon” or something like that. Unless my brain is playing tricks on me.
I would be shocked if he’s not IN the game, given the story of AC Origins, I just don’t think you’ll play as him.
Disappointed at the lack of Bayek - he’s the best protagonist the series has had in a while.
It’s in the book at least twice.
Please tell me the part about her speaking voice being fake is actually something in the book. If it is I’m going to the bookstore right now to buy it, because I like reading about absolutely insane people
Christopher Robin is in his forties....his imagination isn’t as bright as it used to be.
Ok - definite dose of nostalgia here... buy why...WHY did they desaturate this film like it’s the G-D Dark Knight movie? These characters are bright and colorful, not this color bled out version.
This triggers the hell out all my nostalgia feels of growing up with the original Pooh tales from Disney. They’ve written Pooh himself so perfectly. “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
You mean the guy who is oddly over-designed compared to all the other “unimportant” people in the short? Yeah, he kinda sticks out as someone who would be reused in some fashion. Either lore comics or a new character.
For the record, they keep on taking about Greek gods. Acharon is one of the rivers in the Greek underworld. Nachareon/Achaeron.
There’s very little punishment for dying, since that’s the main gimmick of the game. The game teaches you how to become a better player, how to maximize the time you have available. It’s like speedrunning 101 but less punishing.
Thanks for the clarification as to why it was used. We see photos and headlines so often of, “so and so’s wife did a thing” that dismisses the women’s actual work. She was a great writer and, while his help held her up, she deserves the credit due for an amazing book.