Or maybe "I do not condone" actually means "I have no problem with what he said but I know I'll lose you if I say that so I will couch it in other terms while I switch my focus to what's really bothering me."
Unless of course these commenters are pulling the old "I'm not racist but..."
It goes back to Stern, who was spineless in the face of ownership.
Carefully planned enough to have a POC ask the question. Well played Fox News...
Oh. Good catch. I heard the question but didn't hear what outfit the reporter who asked it was from. Silver's response was perfect.
Silver's reply was great. Along the lines of "well, they're public now". Siddown, and shuddup.
Silver sounded extremely confident in his response as well, which is whether it was made in private or in public is still his views. Bravo Silver!
I was talking with a friend earlier and by the end of the discussion we both agreed that Silver would make this decision to make a name for himself and set the precedent that he has (and will invoke) the right to ban owners for reasons not formally outlined in the agreement. This was a softball case for him to…
Good. Fuck this guy. His eventual fade into nothingness can not come fast enough.
So...don't fuck with Adam Silver, then.
Props to Silver. This is a really tough spot for a brand new commissioner and for him to come down with the ban is huge.
Super brave of someone from Fox News to be there to ask Silver whether his punishment is just considering the comments were in private. Fucking terrific.
Only casually follow basketball; but I have to say that Adam Silver did what David Stern didn't have the balls to do- stand up to this racist asshole.
Luckily for Sterling, it shouldn't be too long of a ban.
While I agree with the punishment, I'm very interested to see what happens with the owners in regards to making Sterling sell the franchise. Just the fact that Mark Cuban (who I'm sure no one was surprised was the first owner to speak up) said something to mention how much of an issue this could become makes me…
I... did not expect that.