
The NBA has no problem with a job creator using his freedom of speech to make some controversial remarks in the heat of the moment. The NBA urges you to not be so hypersensitive.

Because the Clippers grew up and stopped being the Lakers' shitty little poor relative. Because Chris Paul and Blake Griffin became stars. And as to why Donald Sterling was given a free pass heretofore, because money.

The "patriots" only come out to protect white gentiles. They are probably excited and confused and unsure about whom to support right now: black people or Jewish people Ultimately they'll pick neither and go back to hating both. Donald Sterling is 80 years old.

Buddy, slow down and read this very carefully. I said absolutely nothing about the existence of any cabal controlling anything. By the way, I'm Jewish. So nice try there. You sound completely paranoid and delusional. Take your meds and lie down. People like you give our people a horrible name.

Hey, not bad. It didn't take you long to start hurling those accusations of anti-Semitism and then to insinuate that the other person is some sort of white supremacist/neo-Nazi/KKK member type person. Good work. It's a fine tactic. Get the other person on defense while you run amok with your fake moral outrage about

Sounds so reasonable. Such a commonsensical approach! Except the entire fucking league knew that Donald Sterling was a racist fuckhead and sat on their hands for three decades. Now that the shit hit the fan though, ohhhh, the ones that are outraged are the problem. Not the perpetrator. Why? Because money. So let's

You're wrong. There is considerable reluctance within the Jewish community to acknowledge the racism within it. If Jewish folks do acknowledge and admit to the considerable racism within their community, it is often limited to lamentations about much their racism hurts their image. Secondly, most people outside the

Of course he is not a racist. He is Jewish. Jewish people are never racist. If a Jewish person does say something racist, then because Jewish people are never ever racist or bigoted or mean ever, then what was said is simply Not Racist.

Jewish folks are never ever racist and therefore what happened here is not racism. If you believe this man is a racist, then you are probably an anti-Semite and you have no compassion. Shame on you. Holocaust. Go back to Stormfront! Holocaust. What happened here was not racism. I hope no one will think poorly of