
Were you an OG? Did you wait for MGS2 and then play it when it was released? Did you play the demo?

Those are good and important details. I considerd Subsistence the “real MGS3, as it should have been released” and Snake Eater was the Alpha ;). That camera fix was enormous.

It’s perfectly acceptable for you to enjoy that aspect/easter egg/reference.

Whats the criticism about? If it’s about “people too stupid to undestand the great writing of MGS2....”

You’re asking a hypothetical question bro. who cares? You’re trying to force your judgement and opinion on others as some sort of “DO THIS OR BE A BAD PERSON” qualifier.

See what I mean w/ these trolls? I had to reply to this one because many think I’m making this up.

IGN’s David F. Smith was the last great, pure videogame journalist. He called MGS2 out for having a bad story, and bad delivery of said bad story.

There is no reliable “Potential dating partner STD test and results” so that’s a nonsensical question.

She seems to have a great personality. The insane coke and drinking of the 70s and 80s must have been a lot more fun w/ Carrie around to shoot the shit.

She fucking killed Jaba the hutt, while she was still chained up, and did it without blaster! Her character is a woman of action and takes no bullshit or wishy washy excuses. she gets shit done.

I’m generally more concerned with the quality of the film itself rather than the quality of the platitudes of the filmmakers on the PR tour.

Smart dudes will die early on the 3rd or 4th marriage to avoid another divorce.

Those are great tips. For anyone who is thinking about trying it.

Can we say poor partner choices or life choices

Mark of Kri was amazing when it first came out, but unfortunately the replay value is very low, and that price point is fucking bonkers high.

Most games are all-bro. It’s hilarious that this guy thought all-bro was ‘new’.

The final fantasy example is a bad one, because of how absurd and cheesey the boy-band-road-trip look of that game is. It’s such patenently ridiculous JPN centric BRO-TYME that there really is no analogue in the west.

It’s still very grating to see a white bro w/ a tech-beard-hoodie look, explaining diversity and how awesome it is.

Or in 2029, Johnny Football

You sound like a person that people would really benefit from being friends with.