Dingo Dongo

That’s a foolish thing to do, because it’s an anthology.

Ha, this is the same asshole that made a shitty pro-life song told from the view of a fetus. Fuck this dude, for real.

Heh. Ya, I couldn’t figure that out.  Did Allison’s brain get Sam Spade and Phillip Marlowe somehow blended up into Sam Malone? 

Does anybody else feel like Stephen Root was robbed of his opportunity to live in his prime in the 1930s/1940s? It’s almost like he’s made to do a “ya see” voice or play the “just a simple country lawyer.”

But it still weren’t broadcasting in every market, so Fox bought”

In the first breath, you get boilerplate language, something you might hear on both Nancy Drew on The CW and on HBO’s True Detective, the kind of sentence that could be flung at both Harriet the Spy and Sam Malone.”

fuck your slideshow

What is Joe Pesci if not the exact midpoint between Robert De Niro and Jon Lovitz?

Stray observations:

One of those kids films I absolutely hated as a kid. 13 and wondering why constant fucking noise was supposed to be appealing. 

Is Heartbreak Hotel really a notorious bomb? Yeah, it was a flop, but when it is ever mentioned alongside, say, Heaven’s Gate or Ishtar?

Thanks for not making this a slideshow. 

I’m glad this isn’t a new format listicle that forces you to click through 30 pages/

Showing the police in a positive light is copaganda too.

What are the names of the women in the photo underneath the title?

Terry Dunn Meurer, claims to have already started receiving credible tips

I have no idea what Charlie Kaufman looks like

I hate being this guy, but this error is bugging the shit out of me and I can’t stop myself. You use the term “subtitle-adverse”, but it should be subtitle-averse.

Parasite, as everybody knows by now, is a MOVE(??) that’s well worth checking out.

I swear, I’ve read 3 articles in 3 days on this site with 3 ridiculous typos. Can you guys proofread?