Dingo Dongo


People need to stop applying today’s standards to condemn people from yesterday.

Pete’s still Pete, right down to his nearly verbatim transition to some show-closing jokes about his late fireman father, who died in the World Trade Center terrorist attack, “We’ll do some 9/11 jokes and then we’ll get the fuck outta here.”

That “In Paradise” song ain’t no yacht rock. Sounds more like a butt-rock band’s power ballad.

I know a gutsy woman to ask Scientologist Juliette Lewis about: Paulette Cooper. She’s got some great ‘true crime’ stories she experienced firsthand.

All words are made up, but many words are in common usage, whereas only some words are used in only the rarest circumstances to draw attention to their own artificiality as a way of expressing childish whimsy and zany fun.

The mystery of how a family could be such guileless marks became clear as soon as their Mormonism was revealed.

I think we all need heroes.

No Country’s win is debatable, given There Will Be Blood. Both great movies, of course.

We’re not allowed to judge people in the late 90s? Good God, the time window of dumb freshman moral relativism gets shorter and shorter. “That was five days ago, it was a different time!”

I’ve never seen a second of Homeland, couldn’t tell you what it’s about or who’s in it, so how is it one of my favorite shows?

and seemingly omnious”?

Maybe it was more of a “Mediocre Comic Book Movie” than a “White Rage Movie”.

That would have been the most predictable ending and I can’t imagine it doing anything else than feeling cheap and obligatory.

there’s a worrying absence of stars when he looks at it

Old A.V. Club had a connection with comedy, and would not have overlooked that joke.

Am I the only one who thinks the actor is barely even trying to do an appropriate voice for Max? Outclassed by the actor for Paige again and again and again.


To be fair, it’s hard not to think you’re dealing with a scam when they fly in “Kayne West”.

Opening night belongs to a B- movie!