Carl On Duty

This gun be good!

Meh, pretty good...but not great!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, guess who's at the door!?

Horrible AI! Were they using some sort of skill that stuns/freezes enemies?! Final boss just stood there!

SIMS 1 did it for me, hours seemed like minutes...hours watching them on "free will" or making them piss themselves, giggling like a school boy.


Since Twitch is broad-casted all around the world, this could have been done by some Saudi, pc elitist douche bag.

I have a WiiU it's great. jimmierustlecanceled


Watch me rustle some jimmies. Should have bought an XBONE1 instead of that garbage.

Theres a reason no one has made a sequel in CENTURIES! STAHP!!!


8 year old me: Man, I wish Sonic was on Nintendo!

Sure does, i think it's an easter egg, lol

ToG was pitch black, running into these guys and that black knight just wondering around, pretty brutal!

This. so much THIS!

Spoiler alert! The Princess is in another castle!