DEM POLYGONS! Will look better, next-gen!
Yeah Bro as soon as you said you were "High as fuck" you lost me and made me SMH, I smoke weed on ocassiaions but I know weed" makes everything seem more interesting soooo, yeah!
The biggest problem you guys have is "perspective" and "gun size"? SMH GTFO!!!
I believe an ass-whooping is in order! and why not? if he can be a douche so can we!
India has no power, literally! Who Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares!!!
Thank God Felicia Day is nowhere to be found!
I know lets step on people's graves and take cosplay photos! GTFO!
agreed +1
Bitch please!!!
Fuck Hipsters!!!
I miss the ol' Kotaku :(
This is what happens when you let "Fanboys" review "Superhero" flicks! They are never satisfied! As a movie buff I think Nolan and Co did a fantastic job! DO NOT TAKE THIS BULL**** ARTICLE TO SERIOUS PEOPLE!
ok HATERS...HATE! oh wait...
Some ladies like to shave down there !
I am a child of Nintendo I was 6 in 1986 when I got my first NES, it was the best thing EVER!
hahaha I love the Battlefield fanboys, always right even when they are wrong!