let the bitchin commence...oh wait!
P.C master race?!, lmmfao!!!!
it's time to unplug and get some sun and a girlfriend while you're out there!
Praise the Sun!
DMAN YOU Jick Nones!!!!!!
sloooooooooooooow daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, eeeeeeeehhhhhh kkkkkkkkoooooooottttttaaaaakkk...??????
Can I call in a chopper gunner? I miss my GameCube :(
Vega got it worse, look at his mask and metal claws! OWNED!
The guy is drilling into his head! I don't fucking care if it's chinese or japanese and I can tell the difference!
ugh! yeah, what's up with that?!?! Good o'l American porn is that way to go!
I would never run, I'm toooo fat!
you just angry about something else, it's ok!