
i mean, like, seriously, did anyone else think this? lol. What asshat wrote this?

i mean, if she had been left with like Max Von Sydow's character, then it would be a bit more of a slam dunk. I maintain that the only way Luke's daughter gets abandoned to be the slave of a giant talking pimple is if Luke doesn't know she exists—which is absolutely possible, but unsatisfying.

In case y'all want your heads to explode, here is how the Disney Wiki describes Ren and Rey's fight:

She's gonna be all dented up like a can of Budweiser some guy tried to smash against his forehead.

To my mind, Ren is the most fleshed out new character: he has conflict, contradictions, his motivations are mostly clear. Rey is not fully formed yet, but she's getting there. She has motivation, but no contradictory elements: she's a plucky powerful optimist with the ability to understand any droid, alien, or machine.

Rise of the Lord of the Planet of the Ring Apes Awakens

the problem is that that doesn't explain why Luke would leave his 5 year old daughter in bondage to the scavenger lord.
I could buy that he would have hidden her for some reason, but not that he would put her into a hopeless life of slavery.

Mickey Mouse would still be a better, more intimidating major villain that Snoke

I have like a whole long conspiracy theory I posted directly related to this. I've been thinking about it A LOT. lol

I can't imagine Carrie Fisher addressing a room full of people without looking and sounding like a drunk aunt giving a toast at a wedding

It's called "The Force Awakens" not "The Force is Rip-Roaring and Ready to Go!" Let it have a cup of coffee first, yeesh!

Yeah I mean it didn't bother me but I bet it'd bother NGT lol

totes fair point

They way they revealed that he hadn't died was so random that I thought he was a clone, and that Leia just had this big stash of Poe Dameron's to send on suicide missions.

Never tell me the odds

I thought it was just blowing up from whatever the Resistance was doing. Like, it would have blown up like that regardless of whether it was fully charged or not. So it seems like, fully charged with the power of an ENTIRE SUN! it would have been an inescapable explosion.
But like whatever maybe it was the Force.

that's obvious. but is their conditioning program so terrible that it just takes one traumatic moment to completely wipe it out and reveal a fully formed personality that has somehow thrived subconsciously during systematic brainwashing since birth?

Well sure, but if we're saying that they are conditioned to be super hard-core and dehumanized, why would Finn care that one of his fellow killing machines was dead?
Overall it doesn't actually bother me that much, but I do think that going forward they're going to have to do something more with his character for him

So why was Finn so disturbed by the death of his fellow Stormtrooper?

Yeah, that's fair, plus, I mean, the movie moves at such a pace that no character (save maybe Ren) is deeply developed. But in the OT Han just seemed to have more agency, history, his motivations were clearly grounded in who he was; I'm not really sure who Finn is, other than "likeable good guy." Cause like you