

It’s based on trainer type, not based on you. They’re all types of trainers you can encounter and battle in regular pokemon games, hence why the badges have type themes, such as Bugboy badge for catching bug type pokemon (I’m possibly paraphrasing the badge title because the server is borked for me right now and I

If they want to sell a costume for outrageous price, they should at least take it from a character with better designed suit. Even Weskers is better dressed than this.

Well, definitely not that leather jacket. 😂

I wouldn’t know, I picked the girl avatar because the male one looked like a trashy Kingdom Hearts reject. No thanks.

:: playing for the first time like ::

Translated, this statement means:

I’d add Tomb Raider to the list as well.

Now we only have to wait until 5 minutes before the Sun goes supernova to see the ending of “One Piece”.

How does it compare to the PC version? Do a lot of people play it?

funny is relative I guess, I laughed , but MGDMT just leaves me cold (I think its a zelda thing? possibly , no Idea as I havent really played one after OOT)

He's a teenager with more wealth and freedom we'll ever see in our lives. If I had the capacity to share the dumb thoughts I had at his age... Eesh.

I saw Furi at PAX east this year and I’m hyped for it. Think only boss battles that incorporate dashing like hyper light drifter, bullet hell like dodging sequences, and melee/gun combat. It’s fairly challenging and has a really cool aesthetic. Feels almost like Afro Samurai, (the show not the game)

Dose calves bigger than dat ass and/or thighs doe....

Hey, that orphanage had it coming. And anyway, if it didn’t want to be set on fire, they should have built it somewhere I wasn’t going to be - Someone in my DnD group.

You gotta make credits somehow. . .Loot crates aren’t cheap!

Maybe he could get a corporate sponsorship?