You are correct fellow commenter. That movie was really good lol
You are correct fellow commenter. That movie was really good lol
Well that was quick...... Fucking games nowadays.
Never give up!
Grandmas United!
Did you just steal that comment from 2009?
One of my few terrors in life is finding one of these in a can of tuna. There was a horror movie based off these. My life was never the same.
He’s not mad he’s just Dissapointed. Like a father who’s son has let him down for the last time. #sorryDad
Says the person that takes a simple joke to heart. If anyone was hurt I think it's you? What u enjoy has no bearing on my life so have a shitty one kid
Well I think it's time we all just leave YouTube behind. We can band together and creat
Would trade both ps4 games for amnesia any day lol
Good to have you back!
Ok kid....
What a great list of games. I wish I could play fate by sadly no PC. I'm currently in the process of rewatching the anime just finished there and half way through Unlimited blade works. I can't recommend Dangan episode 1 and 2 enough. One of my fav games of all time. The anime is pretty decent but doesn't do the games…
can u outride me?
Did u really just brag about trials? People like you make destiny a dick size contest......
Content droughts , in app purchases, nerfed weapons, no burns on primary weapons, total lack of respect for long time players. *
Seems a little late for a test branch.....
And that still doesn't warrant a purchase.
And that still doesn't warrant a purchase.