I think this might be the plane used by Indiana Jones to get to Tibet? Followed by Mr. Melty Face
I think this might be the plane used by Indiana Jones to get to Tibet? Followed by Mr. Melty Face
Thanks for the Marathon reference...I loved that game
The Brazilian was the first to get a 'heavier than air' plane with wheels off the ground in 1906 whereas the Wright brothers had some sort of skids but still accomplished 'heavier-than-air' flight in 1903. So...the Wright brothers got there first, ex-post facto French rules notwithstanding.
i think that a saner man would not have started the war in the first place
Witness, brother.
I can't find a way to add columns to that 'artist' view. like another poster, I like noting the 'last played' when listening to music but can't seem to add that to this view. I see it under Songs only but I like Artist b/c I can see album covers...oh well I will live it...now if I can just update the metadata for…
Was Autonomy public when HP bought them? If that is the case then I would wonder whether the public auditing firm validating Autonomy's books would also be included in the suit HP is going to file.
I should qualify 'make' as their cash flow statement is kind of ugly.
Just so you know but HP revenue for the last fiscal year was 127 billion dollars a year with $29 billion in gross profit. You might not have known they existed but they make a ton of money.
Wow, I wonder what your list will look like when you graduate from middle school, Robespierre?. Gain a little perspective into the way of politics and then review your list.
If Jesus was using market cap to determine if Apple could buy Walmart then that would be an incorrect statement. Walmart's market capitalization is greater than 200 Billion dollars...so Apple couldn't buy them...not that they wanted to. The following companies have market caps ~ 100 Billion: Visa, Abbot Labs,…
Let us know when your knee-jerk moral equivocating gets out of the 7th grade.
The tighter the FBI squeezes the more star systems slip through their fingers...and then they blow up Alderon and then where are all of us?
I am sure all those involved in the Italian mobs in New York have no idea what you are talking about.
"Why not? Isn't his country and the Cuban people a sovereign nation? Do Cuban people worth less than Brits? You can't just write off a whole nation purely because of one man or its leader."
Agree on Canada's pivotal role during WW1 and WW2 and today.