
Part of what Ario is exploring in this piece is why this happens in these games—the extent to which it is elements of the community, the content of the games, the culture of game difficulty, etc. Plenty of possible factors. As Ario also points out, most of the messages in the games aren’t like this.

“To anybody who thinks it’s rad though...you’re welcome.” 

Short answer: Yes, because it’s necessary to look past his past in this moment.

Longer answer: Yes, because allowing perfect to be the enemy of good is what got us Trump in the first place, and continuing to bang on about, “So-and-so did bad stuff before,” when they are ranged against someone who is actively committing

Commend your effort but it doesn't work nearly as well as you wanted it to.

I can see the conversation trees now-
(make semi-racist comment) (give english car an undeserved boost) (kvetch about the uncivilized natives)

I know it sounds crazy but I think I’m kinda done with them... Between roadkill and mighty car mods I think there’s just more fun to be had than watching a bunch of rich old guys

“I don’t understand why these players aren’t simply retracting their heads into their shells before contact to avoid this sort of thing.” - Mitch McConnell

1. Fuck that comment about Jezebel. This is your warning.

Scrolled down just to see who would “WELL ACTUALLY” first.

Just turn off traction control and stabiltrak and you too can pull a Patrick George and stuff the car into the barrier.

Counterpoint: “Hurr durr It’s not scary” is a good way to end up Orlove’d or worse. There isn’t a 500+ hp car in production (existence) that doesn’t deserve respect. 

4ypc is not very good, and you can’t cherry pick just games where they did ok. He averaged 3.4 ypc overall, which is garbage.

This is horrible research and an opinion without any merit. He averaged near 4.00 in the two games they won at 33 years old

It’s true. It’s all true.

Gabriel gets bonus points for going with Tukwila and Puyallup as the po-dunk suburb de jour. Second place would have been Marysville and Tumwater. Third, Burlington and Centralia.

If I hear one more bandwagon tech-bro transplant defend the pass play I may be posting from prison that point on.

The rest of the Browns must be pissed knowing all you had to do was ask.

Did someone say BBQ?

Kingdoms of Amalur? Such a great game. I might play it again.

It was a legitimately good game though.

And Clarkson is a bloated drunk bully douchebag that will hopefully kill himself in a car accident.