
There’s a better play, the bully pulpit is not just limited to Presidents. Schumer is the minority leader, he could be attacking Trump’s nominees and challenging the legitimacy of a President nominating a Justice while under investigation. He has a platform from which to contest this in the court of public opinion.

Goddamn, these people think that Senate is like Tinkerbell and, if just wish hard enough, the majority Republicans will magically not be able to confirm a new justice.


Compromise? Republican allies? None of that is anything Mitch McConnell does. The entire premise of McConnell’s leadership is to bully everything he can through based on his majority. He has never once attempted any good faith effort at appealing to Democrats or looking for a bipartisan compromise. All he cares

The only reason Mitch’s tactics worked was because the GOP was the majority party in the Senate.

How will that work with democrats in the minority? By my count they need a republican or 2 to vote no.

Do you really not see the basic flaw in your premise?

McConnell was able to block Garland only because he was the majority leader. He got to set the agenda. He knew that if Garland had gone to the floor, he likely would have been confirmed since there are enough (like... four) Republican Senators who still care some iota about parliamentary norms. So McConnell set the

Yes, but that’s still subject to exactly the same math that the post to which you’re responding noted.

I get it. We’re all frustrated. But what exactly do you want Schumer to do here?

It’s like watching a fat guy do parkour. Hilarious and way more impressive.

The answer is simple, to both questions (although the answer isn’t satisfactory to the second): Why not?

His right arm is paralyzed....

Slurp that coffee back up, my guy. Steven Adams is a really good center! 

I think she was just trying to remark on the fact that you normally have to be pretty precise in baking whereas in cooking you have a lot more leeway when it comes to adding ingredients into a dish.

Here we are again, letting the perfect become the enemy of the good. Ocasio-Cortes’s  victory is a good thing, but let’s stop trying to score points off everyone else. This is not the way you achieve a path to victory.

APAL - all politics are local

I have a SCUF and have learned I can’t use paddles because I inadvertently grip the controller when shit is going haywire in PvP. But those “sax” buttons on the sides have me intrigued.

He could have. Shakespeare could also have written ‘Live or die? Hm.’