
In the sense that wealth goes to men in poor health, yes.

$1000 of meat right there.

Yeah, DHV comes a lot easier if the woman is already lower value. Still, most marriages are still only happening to the ones who have it together.

Downscaled to 2048x1024 for the internets of course.

None of it is going to work, of course.

Did not know the air injector hasn't been used since the 1980's, until this story. Anything with multiple use heads is going to spread infection. Really miss seeing those instant antidote injections in 80's action movies.

& they're all my videos.

That sounds about right for Java API's. They also have different quirks on each phone. But Apple is going to regress to what it was in the early 1990's, just a tiny amount of all the software written.

Mars's mantle cooled down, too, but it wasn't so lucky. Actually I don't live in your pale blue dot & don't have to thank it.

Never to be outdone.

It only counts if the quad rotor, the drop, & the explosion are shown in the same take. 1 take at 7:04 seems to show all 3 but the rest are all probably fake. It's illegal to fly explosives on an unmanned vehicle.

Not sure Apple, Facebook, & Goog are hiring as many as Yahoo, RIM, & HP are firing. Fortunately the unemployment numbers don't count anyone dropping out of the workforce.

When is that jury going to figure out how to make an antigravity device?

As much as we still think the world should sustain 8 billion people on flower power, it still takes oil to produce our food, & everyone wants to control it.

Undoubtedly too expensive & alters the taste of the food.

Wired was once famous for being run by a high profile female executive. Women would just rather read about Brad Pitt than gadgets.

Steve Jobless would have designed it out.

Anyone named William Adams is an idiot.

Technology must have made it a lot easier than the old days. There's lighter gear, better weather forecasting, & better health in other countries than US. I could probably do it, if someone at JPMorgan would make a high risk trade into my bank account.