
finally i can get “1v1 me scrub” messages from destiny players too.

Shit, I e always evolved my Pikachus.

You add a compass, and pedestrian deaths will rise.

For me the near by feature was still fast when the trackers were up, it was the update that took the trackers down that killed the near by feature for me as well. I h we noticed that catching Pokemon now seems as easy as it was in the beginning, but Pokemon still attack far too much, and they still escape battle at a

People are over exaggerating. I’ve never had a CP 10 Pokemon break out of a normal ball let alone a great ball and I still regularly catch CP 300 Pokemon with a normal ball. It might be a little harder but not significantly so.

Yeah no. People who complain on the internet are not the majority of gamers. The game is still massively popular and still has a growing play base. And people, come on, it’s coming back and it’s going to work properly this time.

Am I the only one who just enjoys walking around, getting Pokestops, fighting gyms, exploring and happening upon Pokemon along the way? Like, I don’t need to know exactly where each one is, I’d rather have the servers up and running than have coordinates on each Pokemon. Not only that, but in the GameBoy games there

If something smells, it’s usually the Butz.

I’ll add that although I think this is rad (and adorable), what we really need is a mini-SNES, ideally one that lets you play/buy any SNES game. I’d pay good money for that.

Don’t mess with the Plumber, he’ll throw you down the drain!

You forgot a picture of the literal pile of sludge.

Sad that people are asking it of The Division already. At least Destiny is nearing the end of its 2nd year. It makes sense to have drop off there (though as a loyal nearly daily player of Destiny, I have no issues with content drought)

Yeah, I love this game. It just needed more end game stuff to do.

There are definitely still people who play. I know because I encounter them in the Dark Zone and they are, without fail, assholes to the last man.

Plot twist: ‘Decline Free Offer’ still upgrades you, but charges you the $119.

The biggest current problem they have (not the only one, but the one that makes everything else that much worse) is how slowly the inventory screen comes up and populates. You want to pop a consumable during play, and it takes forever. Couple that with the fact that they pull you out inventory screens when loading up

Yikes. This is exactly what I feared would end up happening after playing the Beta.

People who utilize exploits and then go around preying on other players are just as bad as cheaters in my opinion. For whatever reason they get their jollies preying on players who play fair and suffer no consequences. In a game like The Division where PvP is forced on the entire player base, people who take advantage