Well this is a decent start to shake off the last update. It’s still a really fun game regardless the lack of trackers (which I never tried anyway) and although it does have its frustrations I’m glad Niantic is improving.
Well this is a decent start to shake off the last update. It’s still a really fun game regardless the lack of trackers (which I never tried anyway) and although it does have its frustrations I’m glad Niantic is improving.
You asked Niantic for comments multiple times and they didn’t respond? Shocker. There really must be like 10 people working for em or something cuz the hype and money they are making isn't reflecting their PR very well... At least not yet.
Here's hoping one of those artifacts get rid of menu kickouts, :D
I theorized the game considers you to be an acceptable speed when your avatar is actually walking, but when they seem to do the “walk faster" animation the game temporarily stops tallying up your egg distance. Just a theory, no true experiments tried yet. Also your avatar CAN run, I've seen it plenty while in a car,…
I wonder now if Nintendo ever has or ever will just fully purchase Pokémon for complete ownership, similar to how Microsoft owns Halo. I’m sure it would be expensive as hell to buy, but Pokémon Go sales and future poke stuff WOULD be going to them then.
The video is initially funny although douchey, the pic of him in this article is just plain douchey.
This game is extremely fun to play with friends, but damn this is such a downer. So much wasted potential, I daresay this franchise could’ve been a AAA title if they’d played their cards right
If you are riding shotgun in a car and you see a Poké Stop coming up, tap it it ahead of time so the game will load it properly, and just wait until you get close to it, when the “it’s too far away” message is gone you’ll be able to collect items. The reason this is a good bit of advice is because if you wait until…
Oooh boyyyy! Can’t wait to hear people to complain the devs have no imagination still when it comes to being “creative” with new Pokémon (after they ask their mom to reserve the game at Gamestop that is) haha
I’m sort of fine with this bug, although I know I’m not saying that when I can’t find a Charmander or something. My main gripe is my avatar getting “stuck” in the map and the game never noticing, no matter where I go, although on rare occasion I’ve gotten stuck standing still at poke stops and still able to get items…
I can mention you don’t actually have to catch a Pokémon to un-silhouette them, the first one I ever saw was a Doduo silhouette, found him, I accidentally closed the app and reloaded, Doduo was still there (in the GPS) to find and now full in color on the tracker despite not having caught him yet. Unless that was a…
WBC would probably be more likely to sue Nintendo for some kind of bullshit for making them a virtual imaginary gym seeing as WBC only does the hateful shit they do to sue anyone on practically any grounds for any aggressive responses, although the that’s unlikely as Nintendo’s lawyers would very likely crush them…
Not that I’m blaming him, but it doesn’t help that Scott (the dev) hasn’t completed the missing pieces in the FNaF lore, which is probably it’s biggest appeal and fans, even dumb kids, are extremely anxious for the whole “story” and facts being told. Scott is known for hiding “clues” about the FNaF games as Easter…
Meanwhile, Mortal Kombat continues to add horror and sci-fi icons to fight and kill their own hell ninjas, lightning dieties, four armed monsters, and insect chicks.
Have you tried the weekly bounties? Hell me and some friends did the hardest ones, and got very high GS teal colored items. Not bragging, just suggesting if you haven't already.
I’d say try challenging missions for the better loot, but the difficulty from hard to challenge is significant and definitely will require a team of at least 3. If your alone most of the time then another thing is to save up on Phoenix money and just buy the gear to boost your GS. How many of you Kotaku peeps play…
Trading is limited to only the people who were in your squad at the moment you picked the loot up, and it’s only available for trade for about an hour I think, then it’s permanent. And selling unwanted loot nets decent money, but if your already in the endgame the normal money becomes increasingly less useful.
Amen. I’ll admit at first I thought Ice Cream and Trashbags were dumb for designs, but then it did indeed make sense. Hell Ratatta is just a purple mouse, Muk is a simple purple blob, and there plenty of other very simple early gen pokemon.
My question is how would Umbrella Corps be canon and in present day setting if it’s been established Spencer, Wesker, and Umbrella in general are gone, why is there an Umbrella Corps? Who’d be keeping Umbrella alive in a world where everyone knows is evil and liquidated? So it makes the me lean towards UC is indeed…
Would be cool if GO TO JAIL was the Golden Saucer desert.
Also if the paper money was called Gil.
And the 4 RAILROADS were Mako Reactors!
Shit, one could go on and on with the gimmicks, but they’ll probably half ass if, slap a few pics and logos, call it a day and sell it.