I would like to imagine the average cop responding as thus, “Uh, who cares? They’re taking food, not TVs.”
I would like to imagine the average cop responding as thus, “Uh, who cares? They’re taking food, not TVs.”
Old Testament God: I’m gonna send plagues, dare old men to kill their sons, flood the whole damn world, and set these twin cities on fire! FUCK YOU ADAM AND EVE I TOLD Y’ALL TO NOT EAT THAT APPLE!
Always relevant.
I’m glad you are still here in the Wasteland.
Wow look at these hipsters with their glasses and apple products
So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.
I’m the long time AVClub commenter known as Electric Dragon, non confusingly known as Electric Dragon on Kinja, although I’m still in the greys because the legacy Disqus migration still isn’t available. I’m not known as anything on Twitter as I refuse to have anything to do with that wretched hive of scum and…
[ FARTS ] in appreciation
We’re all so grey!
I just followed you so you should be good to go.
Thanks for everyone’s feedback. I’ve pulled as many of you out of the grays as I can for the moment, but unfortunately I need to get back to working on other stuff. Again, please use that form above to alert the development team to other specific things that need to be fixed or improved. It will greatly help us all.
Again, I honestly don’t know. The truth is that I’ve told them how important it is to our commenters, and they’ve said they would “do discovery around it.” Maybe that’s developer code for “yeah, yeah..,” but really and truly, no one has said one way or the other yet. I would tell you if they did.
The old comments belong to Disqus. They’re separate from our content, housed entirely on their servers. The basic feature of “comments exist” is here; the not so basic feature of “old comments imported from a third-party client and then migrated over into an entirely different platform” doesn’t yet, because they…
Yep. The asshole in the blue dress clearly stated, “I will shoot you in the face.”
That man is a box of awesome!
O’Neal coming through! Thanks!
I just followed you, so you should be good to go.
The seating is: Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.
Curiously, they are having this screening in Austin when all the clowns are actually in DC.