Well if you repeal the ACA and discontinue the use of vaccines, maybe Mexico wouldn't mind paying for that wall after all.
Well if you repeal the ACA and discontinue the use of vaccines, maybe Mexico wouldn't mind paying for that wall after all.
These Hollywood stars can literally get away with murder.
My wiener kids' classes started up again so I had to spend a huge chunk of my weekend ferrying them around to places they didn't really want to go to anyways.
The Judicial System can't afford the chemical castration drugs ever since Shkrelli increased their price by 5000%.
The The - This is the Day
I always confuse them with Del Pullman.
Paul is Putter's imaginary other father.
This was actually a pretty mean clue for non-Canadians since Great Bear and Great Slave are both larger than Lake Winnipeg, but they are located within the Northwest Territories, which is not technically a Province.
One thing you didn't note in your great write-up is that along with repealing and not replacing the ACA, Ryan said they will also be defunding Planned Parenthood while they're at it. So, not only will people be losing their insurance, they'll also be losing access to affordable care.
He actually fell all the way through the planet and out the other side, and was saved by, oh, let's say, Lando.
Like a country remix of You Remind Me of my Jeep?
Seriously, even if he did put on weight, a well-tailored suit would be able to hide it.
Yeap, it's a podcast.
The Laurel Canyon Sound doesn't work right in a valley.
Bookshots, eh? So Amazon is trying to re-brand Novellas?
You need to listen to the How Did This Get Made episode of Punisher: War Zone with special guest Lexi Alexander, the director of the film. She mentions one scene where they kill some parkours in mid-air with a grenade launcher, and that basically sealed the deal or me.
You wouldn't download a fedora!
It actually starts out pretty nominally priced. In the Oh No Ross and Carrie podcast, their first steps into the world of Scientology started with some self-help courses which were surprisingly cheap. But once they get you in the system and have you invested in a few courses, they start with more of the hard-sell…
This month's Oh No Ross and Carrie podcast is a follow-up to their Scientology investigation from earlier this year, where they interview Chris Shelton, who was a Sea-Org member for 17-years. It's pretty fascinating how cultish it is in the trenches of the church. Like he had an "affair" with another Sea-Org member…
I gave your mum a Boneco for Christmas.