W.C. Degradation

Absolutely! I haven't really gotten used to Hamlin not being the worst. It's gonna take some time to sink in. But that's some game-changing writing right there.

I full belly laughed at that. The delivery was spot on.

Holy shit! I forgot about that from BB! This was some legit callback.

The best con ever.

I was kinda hoping she and Marco'd end up getting married or something.

I feel so stupid because I never saw it coming.

Yeah I actually found it kind of sweet when he was like, "remember when you called you 'the hustler'?"

Because it's all good, man?

You could always travel back to 2014 and do it first.

Cole has a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell.

I'm weirdly lenient when it comes to most TV shows. I am an apologist for a lot of crap. I enjoy some seriously shitty guilty pleasure TV. I defend stuff that doesn't really deserve my defending of it. And I would easily give this season of House of Cards an F. It fails in every possible way.

That is some Walter White level chemistry they got.

The loss of such high profile clients is bad for business. And that blonde guy is a douche.

"Just like you're not supposed to ask how the Kettlemans got the embezzled funds in cash, or why they would keep said cash in their upstairs bathroom. After we can presume their home was raided once already when Craig was arrested in the first place."

My head went, "they have fax machines? And who would he be sending it- oh he's taking a shit."

Season one wasn't too bad on the brothas. The sistas had a rough go of it though.

If they're going back to the T-Dog days, then Morgan will be sufficient.

I'm gonna go ahead and give you some data. Right now there is one living black man amongst a shit ton of white men and white women, two black women, one Asian man and no Asian women, and one Latina woman who has a line every ten episodes.

Plus if they kill off the one Asian character people might stop yapping about how amazingly diverse the show is.

I inexplicably have loved Eugene since he was introduced. Although, I'm pretty sure if I met him in real life I'd kick his face, on the show, he's pretty funny. Maybe it's the mullet.