
I’ll just be over here, patiently waiting for other twin peaks fans to join me. In the greys.

Can we have him back PLEASE

Kamala Harris!!! Delivering the push for criminal justice reform *with bipartisan support*

Meh, not really surprised.

My father killed my mom and then himself 3 weeks ago and I’m 35. It’s shaken me in a catastrophic way and made me question everything. I have the luxury of affording therapy and massages to help me get through this. One thing it has made me really think about is how on earth do children handle this?

Good! I hope he can resume his search for Nicole’s and Ron’s killer.

This somehow made me cry harder. <3

Yes, but he never accused himself of doing so.

“I’m a guy who’s got along with just about everybody. [Like, probably one or two exceptions. Tops.]”

Nobody has ever accused me of pulling any weapon on them

I was so shocked when I read it that I fumbled, dropped my mouse and accidently closed three tabs in my browser.

Clearly you just aren’t buying enough season tickets in bulk.

If this is a tradeoff for a privately funded stadium. I honestly don’t hate it. The thing about PSLs are that they are, essentially, an upfront surcharge on the tickets. Even if you own the seats for just 10 years. You are talking about a $2.50/game fee in the form of a PSL (Assuming a $10,000 PSL price).

I have no problem with this, if people want to pay it, then go for it. Since no public monies, aside from infrstructure and transportation spending, are being spent let them find the people willing to pay.

In my experience it’s usually from the guy with green stuff leaking out of his dick.

who thought he could out-joust Jenny Slate in a catered battle of wits

Usher paid a little over million dollars to a former sex partner after exposing her to herpes, which she later contracted.

Mm-hmmm. People who live in covfefe houses shouldn’t throw covfefe, Steve!

While we’re celebrating this...I won’t call it a victory (perhaps the avoidance of a loss?),...remember: two of the GOP turncoats defected because the new bill isn’t vicious enough. Never underestimate the Republican capacity for depravity.