
Jon Snow totally drew those cave pictures himself.

All hail our new Kitty Machine overlords.

I’ve said this elsewhere but personally I feel the best possible outcome here is Peggy gets time tossed into the now, survives the movie, and does what she does: enlists in SHIELD. can you imagine how much fun it would be to watch Colson fan boy about her? May and Carter going on missions together? Daisy trying to

On the other hand, a self-aware super-intelligent AI would probably find a way to generate a bunch of realistic posts and articles about how AI was nothing to worry about. Right, “Tom”?

lol. yeah. the thing about Flash that made it so great was that it was light and happy, compared to everything else. It’s been slowly fallign into Arrow territory. Now flash is trapped on an island. I wonder if we’ll see 7 years of flashbacks to what happened in the speedforce after he gets back.

The Flash, making Oliver Queen look like the most emotionally mature and intelligent DC hero on TV since season 1.

If Pepper is Veranke, the Skrull Queen, it would be a great heel turn and something fun for her to do. It makes sense, she’s in a position of great power, she know all of Tony’s secrets, all of the Avenger’s secrets, AND most of SHIELD’s secrets. It’s also easy enough to pull because we have no backstory for Pepper in

With Rory Pond

I think it was when they realized that instead of them hunting one guy all season, they could turn the show into Dr Who meets the Justice League with anti-heros.


She could be by the time it rolls round - Matt Smith looked nothing like his Doctor in his promo shots (remember we were all worried about Emo Doc? :D )


And still not ginger!!!

I watched the clip and when she was revealed I felt the tears come down - they were tears of pure unbridled happiness that I didn’t expect but readily welcome as another glass ceiling is shattered.

Wow, this is hands down the best drama to come out of the walking dead in years.